Casumo take on Facebook!
2017-10-03 14:23:20Everybody these days knows just how important it is for most businesses to have some sort of presence on social media. The movement in internet culture towards instant and constant communication has made it a necessity for many firms to provide information and a means of contact for their customers through social media platforms such as Facebook.
As well as provide a channel of communication social media has provided an insanely cheap and effective way for companies to boost their profile and advertise directly to their core demographic. This is exactly why Casumo have put a lot of effort and time into creating and curating their very own Facebook page that you can go and visit or maybe drop them a 'like' so that you can stay up to date with all of the goings on and the posts that they decide to share to you, the player.
Here is some more info on the wonderful Casumo universe on Facebook and how they are using the biggest social media platform in the world to not only advertise their site but also create a great space for their customers and fans alike to gather and experience a whole different side to the Casumo experience.
The Casumo Facebook Page
If you have ever been to the Casumo Casino website then there is no way you haven’t noticed that the sheer amount of effort that they put into the aesthetics of the site and how it feels is really second to none. Take their blog, for example, every single post they put up there will always have a dedicated drawing attached to it, not some quick and cheap thing they knocked up in photoshop but an actual drawing that took a lot of time and skill to make.